Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Double Covered, Double Smothered

Now, y'all should know that I love me some Waffle House, so this piece from the Gwinnett Daily Post of Lawrenceville, GA, warms my heart and sums up true Americana for me:

Scattered, smothered, covered and hitched: Couple marries at Waffle House

The article (and accompanying photo slide show!) brought a tear to my eye...though that might just be the phantom smell of the onions in the triple smothered hashbrowns I'm imagining/craving right now.

My favorite part of the article was the groom, George "Bubba" Mathis, thoughtfully explaining the reason for the Waffle House wedding:
"I don't know, it's something different," Mathis said while fixing his tie prior to the ceremony.
Indeed. What truly captured our nation's modern culture and made me proud to be an American, though, was the reporter's description of the wedding's after-party:
The result was what a NASCAR tailgate might be like if Hank Jr. himself stopped by with all his rowdy friends: Loud and proud - country music, storytelling and plenty of Dale Earnhardt paraphernalia - and not an iota of pretentiousness.
Git 'er dun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No posts in more than a week, eh? I guess you finally realized the wisdom in "its better to remain silent and be thought a fool..."