The result? Well, I'll let you read the first bit of the Nature article to find out...I could never do it equal justice:
In a dreary, lonely lab a young female postdoc puts down her pipette to massage her aching latexed hands. Sounds like the perfect set-up for a hot new music video. Well at least it does to Tyler Kay, creative director at Compare Networks Production Group (CNPG) in San Francisco, California. A recent release from CNPG features a group of five winsome young men singing the praises of a new automated pipetting system called epMotion, made by international biotech company Eppendorf.I already bought tickets to their concert tour with Hannah Montana. And for all you fanboys/girls out there, here's the band's publicity image (also included in the Nature article) which you can now plaster to your high school bedroom ceiling. I think the photo's caption speaks for itself:
As the lab heroine is whisked to a beach under the Golden Gate Bridge, the band members gyrate around her and her glasses are shed along with her inhibitions, just before the chorus. “Girl you need epMotion” (whispered: “yeah girl it’s time to automate.”)
Later in the same article, an interview with Tyler Kay (the creative director behind all this) is quite revealing:
Kay, a self-taught film-maker with Biocompare since near its inception, wrote the song with a list of product features and intense background research. “I had to listen to a whole lot of boy-band songs,” says Kay. “I started to gain an appreciation for it. Those guys really know how to crank out the hits on a few chords."Indeed.
Apparently, the YouTube clip has gotten quite a bit of hits...let's see if we can push it over the edge:
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