Monday, July 14, 2008

An Historic Event

I never thought I'd live to see the day of such an historic event. I can't tell you how much I've been enraptured by the international news that's dominated every major news outlet, how much the news has deeply touched me and made me believe that there's a chance for our little ol' world after all: Brad and Angelina had their twins! And in France even!


Y'all, I'm so excited. This could not have come at a better time. What with all the hate and fighting going on, blah blah blah, this could really be that key defining moment that brings us together, around the world, for peace and love. Think about how everyone in the Middle East, in the Sudan, in all those other regions with silly little misunderstandings will be able to drop their weapons and break bread over such a monumental and joyous occasion.

Honestly, just think of how much Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline have done for the world already? Make those kids UN ambassadors, seriously. It kind of makes me feel like I need to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity or something. I'll tell you one thing, though: I'm sure glad I didn't go into international relations, now that our world's sorted itself out and all. Sciences or bust, man.

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